Thursday, October 30, 2008


Man, I have been so busy. I have started to going to basketball practice, and softball practice. It has been way fun. Those sports are different than soccer because I don't know everything about them. I am ok at softball, but I really need to improve on basketball. Basketball try-outs are November 10, I don't really care if I made it, but it would be cool. Especially because I have only played in rec league a couple times, like 3 years ago. haha. I am planning on doing rush again, but I don't know. Last night I had a soccer banquet to give out awards for the high school team. I got miss fancy foot. I am glad it is over, but I am so ready to be on Rush again. That is the best team ever. Mostly because the coach is way nice. That was the problem on the high school team. Tomorrow is Halloween. I am going to wear my brothers football uniform. I am not really excited for it this year. I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow night. Probably hang out with my friends. Why do we celebrate Halloween??? I got a 4.o on my report card, which is flippin sweet. I was excited. Also High School Musical 3 came out. I liked it, I thought it was good. I thought it was way cheesy though. Brock won his football league, they were awesome! Abby is doing good she is playing soccer, but she is playing defense. I could never play defense, I am not aggressive enough. She is good at it. I also went to the stake dance which was way fun. Maddie went with me and we had a blast! Life has been good, I hope it stays this way.


Shell said...

I hope you make the softball and basketball team too! If not, it's okay though. Way to go on your report card! HSM 3 was pretty crappy though.

meri said...

i am so glad you liked my movie and my cheesey hair do!maybe i'll come back to st. George some day and i'll fer sure go to your stake dance and eat some stake with u.!! Luv always, HSM 4 ever--luv, Zack Efron

Bearonabike said...

Goodluck on B-ball tryouts. those shoes should do the trick!!

Kortnie Hansen said...

Hey do you know if you made the team yet. Your going to be so. Busy. YOu all ready are. Congrats. On the 4.0 i wish i had a 4.0 i got a 3.98 so close. I was made. We should hang out some time it would be fun. Maybe courntey spilker can come to.