Sunday, December 7, 2008

Double Overtime!

We had the best game ever last Wednesday against Virgin Valley, Mesquite. It went into double overtime, and we ended up wining! The final score was 38-36. I scored the last point. It was awesome. My coach was way proud, because it was his old team. It was fun, but very very stressful. I am so glad we won! Then, I couldn't go to the next two practices because I had to work at the Dickens Festival. I worked 3:30 to 9:30 on Thursday and Friday, then on Saturday I had to work for 12 hours straight. It was the longest day of my life! I did earn $168 so that's really good. My mother went to New York without me, so I had to stay at my grandmas house! She also went to the play Wicked. She is so so so lucky! I want to see that play so badly! At least she got me a pin, to add to my collection. It was a different week, but a good week. This week I have three games so I am going to be very busy. I hope we win!


meri said...

Britt, that game was so fun to watch! double over time, too bad your mom had to leave early. Your team is really good, at least you have a coach that cares, he seems like a really good coach too. Thanks for always tending for us. I can't believe you tended on Sunday morning for Rich, I told him you would be too tired and would be doing all your homework from your busy week, with working at dicken's and everything. You should really take a day off every now and again. You don't have to be a spazz like your mom and never sit still. Just reeeellllaaaaaxxxx. I hope I get to see you over the christmas break. tell your coach to give you the holidays off! MER

Shell said...

I can't believe I had to miss the end of that game, good thing there will be many others! You are going to get so good, we'll definitely be able to win boys v girls. NYC was sweet, hopefully next time you'll be able to go!